We are a small, No Kill shelter located in Central Pennsylvania. Your donations stay local and help save lives.
Memorial Donations & Tributes
In Person, or by mail, you may donate, In Memory or In Honor of your loved one, and even pets! The Clinton County SPCA will honor your donation by being listed monthly in the Lock Haven Express Newspaper and sending notice to the acknowledgement of your choice. Memorial Contributions will be posted annually on the website. To make a memorial donation or tribute via paypal, please memo whom your donation is in memory or honor of.
Make Checks Payable to:
Clinton County SPCA (CCSPCA)
33 Mill Hill Road, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Thank you for your support. Your donations stay local and help animals in Clinton County, Pennsylvania. The Clinton County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit organization: (EIN#25-6066995).